For those of you who didn't know I flew back from Slovakia for a quick 10 day trip to America on April 1st. I am leaving tomorrow night to return until the end of May, when I come back for Bumpas's wedding and
Camp for the summer. I dropped in and surprised Jake, Clem and Alex by showing up for our annual St. Patrick's Day (yes I know it was last month, don't ask, just go with it.) celebration. I said I was not going to be able to make it but that was just a ruse. We had a great time all hanging out. I was bummed Kate was not able to come with me on this trip. Clem say's he needs to see her in the flesh to prove that she is real. (He thinks I photoshopped her into photos with me.) This is the 14th year for "SPD" and it was as great, drinking, smoking and UNO. With that combo how can you not have fun. I did a ton of driving over the last 8 days, over 2000 miles (3200 km - for my European readers) but it was worth it. I was born to drive, and the 540 miles from Richmond to Savannah is some of the easiest on the East Coast.
I had a great time in Richmond for the last few days. I was great to some old friends and hang out with the latest edition to our family, Charles Henry, his parents call him Henry but he looks like a "Chuck" to me. (Sorry Jen, you can't name a kid Charles and not have people call him Chuck.) I was nice to also get to see "Slim" (aka Baby Nathan) who at 8 months is like 25 pounds of pure love. The kid is so happy. I didn't get to see everyone I wanted to but time was short and anyway I will be home in 45 days or so.
So what is next for me? Well I am excited to get back to Bratislava. I would like to see about having Mom and Steve come over and visit Slovakia as well as do a "Sound of Music" tour of Salzburg Austria around mid May. I am not sure if that is going to happen but it would be cool. I am excited at the prospect of getting out with the camera as spring blooms. Many of you have been asking why I have not posted many photos lately. The easy answer is I am lazy, but the truth is with out leaves on trees and blooms on flowers I am not in the mood to shoot. I love spring, summer and fall but winter is hard for me to shoot, the lighting never seems right for me. Or you could just keep thinking I am lazy, your choice, no pressure. I am flying home at the end of May to attend Alex's wedding, I will then kick around somewhere (Outer Banks, Richmond, NJ, VT or camp are my choices so far (new invitations are always considered)) before heading to camp around the 20th of June for the start of 4th year of the greatest job ever.
I would like to say thank you to the loyal readers of this (insert your own adjective here) blog. I know I have not published anything worth looking at in some months. My only defense is since I like the food in Slovakia I have very little to rant about, like I did in the past. (I'm talking to you New Zealand) Plus I live a simple life in Bratislava and unless you want to know about my trip to the mall or grocery store, there is not much going on that I could easily relate in a humorous or compelling way so I don't write much. A friend did give me an idea to do at least a weekly rant. I can think about it all week and then bang something out on Sunday night. I am not sure if I will or not so make sure you check back here early and often. Chase the dragon.